Facing Psychotest tips
Psychotest Questions
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Tips for Facing Psychotest

(Psychological Test)

For those of you who are called to undergo a psychological test, you should pay attention to some of the suggestions and tips below.

Before Test

  • You must sure that the position/job that you will enter through the psychological test is really in accordance with your abilities, and should also be in accordance with your wishes.
  • Prepare yourself with sufficient rest. Often, a person is actually capable of taking the test. However, tension or body condition that is not prime, can make the test results bad. Therefore, you should rest a day or two in advance so that your physical condition is prime.
  • Make sure you know where the test is. It is recommended that a few days before the test, you already know the place, even have seen the place.
  • Re-read your cover letter and CV, because there are several tests that ask questions related to your cover letter and CV. Don't let the answer be different from your CV.
  • You should practice various psychological test questions, so that you become really ready to face the psychological test with maximum results.
    You can use "psychological test" (please click) on this site to practice various psychological test questions.
  • Before going to the test place, pray first according to your belief.
  • Try to arrive ten minutes early, and don't be late. Also before leaving, don't forget to eat and drink enough to keep your physical condition in top shape.
  • Even if it's not requested, don't forget to bring stationery (pencil, eraser, pen, etc.) and bring a clock (timer).

At the time of the test

  • Generally, on each psychological test answer sheet/question, you are asked to fill in your name, date, etc. Once you are allowed to start filling out, don't forget and don't delay filling it out, and fill it out completely and neatly.
  • Listen carefully to any "sayings/directions" from the test supervisor, and follow all directions/instructions. Likewise the instructions in each test question, don't forget to read the instructions first, then you work on the test questions. So don't immediately fill out/answer the questions, without reading/knowing how/instructions to fill them in.
  • Don't be afraid to ask the test supervisor. If there is a little that you do not understand about the question, then immediately ask the existing test supervisor. And don't ever ask the participants on your right and left, but ask the existing test supervisor.
  • Do not look at other people's answers, because it will make your results conflict with actual personal conditions. Fill it as is. For types of questionscertain, answer the easy one first.

Facing Psychotest tips